Pesan buat Anak!

January 11, 2015 Leave a comment

Buat  anak ku. …

Hidup di Pondok Pesantren itu berapa tahun ye?
6 tahun … yah.

Benar anak ku. 
1/10 je dari umur nabi saw.

Jadi. Pulang lah ke tempat kamu belajar erti kehidupan. Jadi lah kamu miskin dunia.

HP – tinggal kan di rumah.
FB  – tinggal kan di rumah.
Laptop – tinggal kan di rumah.
I-pad – tinggal kan di rumah.
Desktop – tinggal kan di rumah.
Games – tinggal kan di rumah.

Lantas. …
Apa bekalmu ke pondok?

Flight ticket.
Local currency.
Documents and school fees.

Sesampainya di pondok. ..

Jiwa mu akan tenang
Tanpa game
Tanpa HP
Tanpa BBM
Tanpa wasap
Tanpa FB

Siapa jadi pengganti FB mu?
Imla’ arobi
Insya’ syafahi
Insya takhriri
Muthola’ah syafahiyah
Muthola’ah takhririyah
Tamrin lughoh
Tarikh adab lughoh
Kishfu fil ma’jam
Ilmul mustolah hadist
Ilmu usul fiqh
Dianatul aammah
Ad dinul Islami
Tarikh Islam
Tarikh hadhoroh
Ilmul tarbiyyah
Ilmul nafsh
Al-lughotul arobi
Ingliziyah syafahiyah
Ingliziyah Muthola’ah
Qowaidul lugholtul Ingliziyah
Imlaul Ingliziyah
Ilmul Hisab
Ar riyadiyah
Lugholtul Indonesia
Tarikhul aammah
Tarbiyyatul wathoniyyah
Ilmul ijtima’

Dalam masa 6 tahun yakin lah kamu akan temukan jawapan. …

Ke Gontor Apa yang Kau cari?

Jawapan anak. …

Ayah dan ibu…

Hanya rahmat ehsan dari Alloh dan syafaat  Muhammad rosululloh sahaja yang akan memberi kami faham akan 43 subject yang kami belajar.

Kami Hanya mengucapkan la haula wala quwwata illa billah hil aliyyul azimmmmm. …

Siapa lah  kami ayah dan ibu…

Doa kan kami syahid bertemu Alloh swt ketika kami sedang menuntut ilmu ye….
Aminnn. …

Alhamdulillah. ….
Jiwa mu…..
roh dan jasad mu telah merdeka.

Alloh yang kamu Rindu. ..
Mengharap rohman rohim. …
Memohon rahmat dan Ihsan. …

Muhammad rosululloh tempat mu memohon  syafaat.

Alloh hummaftah lana abwabal

wa abwabal khoirooooh ……


Mengurniakan Ilham. Fadilah. Maunah. Karomah. Wilayah.

Aminnn. ….

La haula wala quwwata illa billah. ….

Categories: Uncategorized


January 11, 2015 Leave a comment
Categories: Uncategorized

Solat Kita

November 24, 2014 Leave a comment

Assalamualaikum wbt..
Sedikit perkongsian tazkirah:

Hidup kelam kabut datang dari solatnya yang kelam kabut,
Hidup tak menentu datang dari solatnya yang tak menentu,
Hidup yang celaru datang dari solatnya yang celaru,
Hidup tiada keberkatan datang dari solat yang tak diberkati,
Hidup serba lengkap tapi hati tak pernah puas dan tenang, datang dari solat yang tak lengkap (ponteng dan tinggal),
Hidup tertekan datang dari solatnya yang tiada tama’ninah,
Hidup bermasalah datang dari solatnya yang bermasalah.
Hidup yang cemerlang datang dari solatnya yang cemerlang,
Hidup yang tenang datang dari solatnya yang tenang,
Hidup yang diredhai datang dari solatnya yang diredhai.

“Sesungguhnya BERJAYALAH orang2 yg beriman. Iaitu mereka yg KHUSYUK dalam SOLAT yg mereka lakukan”
– Al-Mu’minuun:1-2

Jom perbaiki solat kita dan ingatan ini terutama utk diri saya yg kdg2 melewatkan solat sbb urusan dunia.

Categories: Uncategorized

Setiap penyakit ada ubatnya kecuali Mati!

November 5, 2014 Leave a comment

Besar rasa nikmat kesihatan bila Allah uji dengan penyakit dan kesakitan..  Namun penyakit itu adalah ujian bagi menaikkan darjat manusia, supaya kita tidak leka dengan segala kesenangan yang ada…

Saya ingin berkongsi pengalaman seorang sahabat…. Bacalah sendiri dan renungkanlah….  Cerita dari seorang isteri…

ok kawan2 raya this year (2014) alhamdullillah genap setahun ajmal bebas dari kanser otak .. nama brain tumor tu glioblastoma.. baju purple raya last year sebenarnye ajmal x sedar pun saya yg siapkan dia.. dan baju biru raya tahun nie


raya 2013.. mkn pun kena suapkan.. tak mampu pegang sudu pun. 

tak ada tanda2 yg dia ada brain tumor cuma bln jun 2013 boss dia call me minta bawa ajmal jumpa doc sbb dia byk lupa.. so saya berusaha berbagai cara akhirnya buat mri. ct scan dan sebagainye.  dr sahkan dia glioblastoma kanser di otak lebih besar dari bola tenis dan sgt agresif mengikut dr hanya mampu bertahan 2 bln sahaja dan di minta operate segera tetapi selepas operate peluang utk baik tidak ada.. pd dr myb dia akan koma atau vegetable.. tapi dr bukan tuhan.. Allah maha berkuasa.. jadi apabila kita di uji kita perlu berikhtiar, doa dan tawakal pd Allah.. berbagai cara saya buat antaranye dari hospital swasta di larikan ke GH dgn harapan tempoh utk di operate dpt dianjakkan sedikit dan saya boleh cuba tf sebyk mana yg saya mampu berikan padanye., alhamdullillah usaha saya berjaya.

dlm tempoh 6 minggu saya bagi ajmal mkn tf plus 30 biji 3 kali sehari riovida 1 gelas 3 x, tf adv 5 biji 3 kali di samping jaga diet pemakanan nye.. sampai tempoh apoinment dia di operate dr panggil saya dan minta bersedia dgn sebarang kemungkinan tetapi dr sudah bersedia utk komakan dia sekira pendarahan sgt byk, sediakan 10 pain darah.. booking icu selama mungkin.. tetapi itu bacaan dr.  berkat usaha dan doa semua pihak.. allah menunjukkan kekuasaannya… hebatnye kekuasaan Allah.. kita perlu bersabar dgn segala ujian.

selepas operate ajmal x koma malah cuma 1 hari di dlm icu dan tidak ada pendarahan langsung kerana kansernye sudah hancur dan menjadi pasif.. dr sgt terkejut dan gembira walaupun pd asalnye seperti kurang percaya.. dgn itu dr cancel  radiotrapi, cancel kimo dan operation ke dua dan ke 3 yg di jadualkan malah dr berhentikan semua ubat hospital dan berpesan teruskn suplement yg awak beri padanye.. now alhamdullilah dr tutup kes dia di GH cuma perlu buat mri 6 bln sekali.. saya mohon doa dari rakan2 agar kesihatannye terus sihat berpanjangan., di harap teatimoni ini dapat membantu rakan2 lain di luar sana yg sedang memerlukan .. ayuhhh jgn tunggu lagi lagi teruskan cerita pd rakan2 anda, kenalan.. saudara  dan sesiapa sahaja yg anda jumpa.


Categories: Nak Sihat

Pondok Modern Darul Salam Gontor

July 21, 2013 Leave a comment

Semenjak saya menghantar anak ke Gontor pada bulan Februari 2013, ramai yang bertanya tentang pondok ini.

Kenapa nak hantar anak jauh sangat ke Indonesia?  Takde ke pondok dalam Malaysia?

Dari mana tahu pasal pondok ni?

Apa special Gontor ni?

Mana nak dapat maklumat pasal Gontor ni?

Alhamdulillah pada bulan Jun 2013, pihak TV3 telah membuat liputan tentang Gontor dan telah disiarkan dalam program Madrasah.  Pautannya adalah


Pondok Gontor semakin popular bila alumni nya menulis sebuah buku Negeri 5 Menara yang kemudiannya difilemkan.  Boleh je nonton online di

Bagi yang berminat untuk mengetahui tentang pondok Gontor sila ke blog Ustaz Gema Hadi yang memberikan maklumat lanjut tentang pondok Gontor dan Pondok Al-Iman.

Categories: Sekolah Pondok

Be careful with what you wish for…

July 17, 2013 Leave a comment

Categories: Inspirational

Don Tapscott – Age of Networked Intelligence

July 16, 2013 Leave a comment
Categories: Inspirational

Ever think of being 88?

December 11, 2012 3 comments

My answer is NO.  But if you could live a healthy comfortable life, why not??  Keep on reading if you aspire to be one.

Today I have learnt an important message in life.  Even though I have  always read and see these on TV, but my encounter with this remarkable man, is priceless.  Introducing Pak Cik Aziz, who lives in my neighborhood, but I was never close enough to know him. Yesterday evening, I dropped by his house to ask for a favour, and I realised that he had so many things to share.  He knows so many things and it would be a waste if his knowledge is not shared.

I could not believe my ears when he tells me that is he is 88!!.  and his wife is 78.  They had just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this year.

Pak Cik Aziz is still strong, bubbly, and remembers well.  After talking to him, I learn that he is very fussy and also a very disciplined person.  Being Virgo, he is also a Perfectionist!!

Pak Cik Aziz told me that he writes down (on notes of various sizes) everything that he needs to remember so that he can free his mind from the pressure of remembering.  So before I leave, I ask permission to see his notes – and now I understand this person, and how he managed to live up till 88.  So here it is – several rules to live a longer life, which I managed to derive from my one hour chat with him.

  1. CHANGE or DIE.  This is all about attitude.  It is about the determination to change your life, in order to live longer (In Shaa ALLAH – we could only plan!).   Take charge of your life!  This note was placed on the kitchen cabinet door, near the sink, so that everyone whom uses the sink could see.    20121211_192331[1]
  2. Do not stress yourself.  Every time he loss  something, he does not complain, but just replace them!  Writing notes throw the burden of remembering too many things.  Key point here – take it easy.20121211_190912[1]
  3. Meet Pak Cik Aziz with his home made remedies.  One that he recommends most is Apple Cider + Honey (preferably Royal Jelly).  Apple Cider is Very Alkalizing.  If you keep your body alkaline, you will be more healthy.  This is the recipe that he keeps near the apple cider bottle.
  4. 20121211_191036[1]He also takes care of what he eats.  Notice where he post his notes..20121211_191816[1]And now at this age, he prefers to eat potatoes (not any kind) and vegetables.  I think this is the toughest part …. giving up the food you love… nasi lemak, roti canai, teh tarik……20121211_191927[1]
  5. Exercise – Pak Cik Aziz is a regular on the KTM commuter until late last year.  And he used to walk to the station.  He is still fit till today.
  6. Pak Cik Aziz reads a lot, still do research!!.  Collect newspaper cuttings, files them and the list goes on…. he keep his mind occupied (but no worries).  One sad thing that he told me – he was the only Malay boy from Selangor who was accepted to do Medicine in Singapore, but could not join because he had malaria.  If not, he would join the ranks of Tun Mahathir (his batch).
  7. Above all, we should all work hard.. actually this is a friendly reminder for his maid… to be honest20121211_192323[1]

His only regret —- he could not use the computer, despite having one, and has been to classes before.  So I have promised him that I would teach him Facebook and Google.  Imagine him doing more wonderful things with technology.

I have not consulted Pak Cik Aziz about the order of his secret to living a long, and meaningful life.  The 7 points above is my interpretation and understanding of my one hour with him today.  He invites me to come again (and this time I am going to bring my husband) and he would share more of his tips.

Pak Cik Aziz reminds me of my late aunt, Hajjah Fatimah who had live beyond 90 years of age.  She was remarkable and well respected, I miss her very much, especially her wisdom.  Al-Fatihah to Mak Lang….

Mak lang

I am glad I could share this, hopefully someone will benefit from it, In Sha Allah.  May Allah bless us with His Rahmah, Barakah and Maghfirah.

So, here i am ready to alkalise myself first thing tomorrow morning – with the Bragg’s apple cider & royal jelly (which I obtained from Pak Cik Aziz).  One thing at a time…

Categories: Inspirational

Childhood Dreams…

November 26, 2012 Leave a comment

One of the inspiring videos I have seen is this one! What is your dream? Have you got to realise it? It is never too late. Prof Randy Pausch who died of pancreatic cancer proved this. Even though he is gone, but he will always be remembered for his Last Lecture….

On September 18, 2007, Computer Science Professor Randy Pausch stepped in front of an audience of 400 people at Carnegie Mellon University to deliver a last lecture called “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams.” With slides of his CT scans beaming out to the audience, Randy told his audience about the cancer that is devouring his pancreas and that will claim his life in a matter of months. On the stage that day, Randy was youthful, energetic, handsome, often cheerfully, darkly funny. He seemed invincible. But this was a brief moment, as he himself acknowledged.

Randy’s lecture has become a phenomenon, as has the book he wrote based on the same principles, celebrating the dreams we all strive to make realities. Sadly, Randy lost his battle to pancreatic cancer on July 25th, 2008, but his legacy will continue to inspire us all, for generations to come.

Categories: Inspirational

Makna Bacaan Dalam Solat

November 13, 2012 Leave a comment

As Salam semua!! Semuga beroleh rahmat Allah. Setelah lama tidak menulis di blog ini, saya ingin berkongsi video yang saya rasa sangat istemewa, mudah dan ringkas. Hidup ini sebenarnya singkat, jom kita perbaiki amalan kita dengan cuba memahami makna bacaan dalam solat…

Categories: All year Islamic